Wednesday, February 29, 2012

#BuyIndieMonth is coming to a close. It's the end of the month and I have just added my last selection to my February list of books by independent authors. Does this mean I stop acquiring books by other indie authors? Of course not! This month has served to remind me that every download, every like, every tag, and every review is important to my fellow indie writers, just as it is to me. So now the fun begins...I promise to read every book on my list and leave positive, honest reviews for my fellow writers, so stay tuned!
If you want to see my #BuyIndieMonth selections, you can find them here=> Buying Indie Month
Below you can find links to the lists of other writers and #BuyIndie who have posted their reading selections as well:

Benjamin X. Wretlind
Michael K. Rose
Carmen DeSousa
Clive S. Johnson
Hobbes End Publishing

If you have posted a list and would like me to include it, just let me know. Happy reading, all!


  1. If I posted a list of the books by my blogger buddies who are indie published it would be really long...

  2. Congrats. on the release of your book, Alex! The books above are just the tip of the mountain of great work by indie authors!
